
Her dreams were there, but her imagination was beyond.
Her mind was not still, Her thoughts ruminating.
Thinking and fantasizing.  Her reality was still
Her mind was not still. Her thoughts, ruminating.
Thinking of an incidence, laughing at herself.
Of extreme laughter.  Dreaming of thoughts
Not in her reality. Only wishing  what she had 
Missing in life.
Her mind was not still. Her thoughts ruminating. 
Staying still in her room,
Her comfort place,
Only rethinking, reliving the past.
Only repeating what moments had happened in her life.
Dreaming of unreality imagining only the reality. When a moment
Was gone,  That moment was the past.
That moment's present was over. Would it be stronger the moment she had relived thinking
It a thousand times. Would it be stronger in the future? 
The moment she lived. The moment she suppressed. The moment she 
I wanted again and again.
Her mind was not still. Her thoughts ruminating.
                                                   March 24, 2019, Copyright@Vinita Singh


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