Persistancy was who I was

Sunday Oct. 21, 2012

 Broken into pieces of emotions.
 Rejected and judged a thousand times.
 Wept like the rivers.
 And yet walked the tides and came alive.
 Persistancy was who I was.
 Striving for perfection.
Doing what I loved with the passion of writing
And dancing,
Lifes struggles made me stronger then ever.
I was not still as I should be.
Persistancy was who I was.
Wanting to take risk with life.
And falling in love with who I was.
Showing many different colors.
And yet never showing my emotions,
As I had become funny
Well liked by others
A personality of colors
Came into  me.
I was not young anymore.
Not that teenager I had wanted to be.
But now doing the acts of an adult
Life had switched roles in a decade.
For I realized that time couldn’t come alive again.


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